By Dan Cook on Wednesday, 02 February 2022
Category: Chair 2022

Dan Cook - Conference Chair 2022

A message from in-coming Conference Chair, Dan Cook

Hello everyone

It is a great honour to accept these chains of office. Thank you Stuart for being at the helm through this unprecedented time.

So where do we start for 2022? As I promised my Welsh friends and supporters, we plan to base next year's conference in Wales. I've worked in Newport for the past 12 years and we hope to deliver an event there; but making any firm plans at the moment is not easy as I am sure you all know first-hand.

I was one of those who pushed for Conference to continue in a digital format throughout the pandemic. I know some of you were not keen on the idea (and perhaps you are still not convinced) but I hope we have managed to bring you along with us. We, as GDPs, need more than ever to have our voices heard.

That said, the hope is to have Conference in person next year if at all possible. Like many of you, I miss the conversations over dinner and a glass of wine, and the wisdom that can be passed down over a cup of tea during the day. I do hope we can bring that back.

Rest assured I will be working alongside the Agenda Committee and our tireless staff from the BDA to do the very best we can. I can only ask for your patience over the coming months.

With kind regards


LDC Conference Chair 2022